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The last few weeks has been an assault on our senses. "News bombing" with announcements hitting us from all angles with very little time in between to verify what is real before the next round of news.

There are pivotal places, events and people in your life, that change your world view and you are never the same, which I will refer to as activation points or shifts in consciousness.

With a 21k following on Linkedin and around 3.78 million views in the last 90 days, I have a unique insight into the world and also thanks to the various connections that reach out to me.

"Never are we nearest to the light when the darkness is the deepest"

As humanity grapples with the consequences of the biological weapons intentionally developed and released not just via jabs but through infection and shedding, I have come to the c…

Order from chaos. Many accounts of evil and images that are sent to me, I cannot fully process because the darkness becomes all consuming.


The government has withdrawn the Misinformation and Disinformation Bill, now we need to kill the Social Media Minimum Age bill

I have put this page together so you can use two o…

The model of genetics like immunology is flawed. We need to question it. Genetics is thought of as fixed but it is better understood as constantly evolving and just as the appearance and behavior of animals can be modified by their environment, diet …

"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious", Ben Obi-Wan says in Star Wars and no truer words can equally apply to the political parasite class and their hired operatives that do their bidding.

Years ago, when I saw The Fukushima nuclear power plant struck by a reported "earthquake" on 11 March 2011, I knew in my heart it was not natural.

About 18 months ago, I was sent the Secret Covenant by a man whose family is of the Illuminati bloodline. Itx27;s an important read to understand the deliberate poisoning of humanity for control, depopulation and sterilization.

I write this with a heavy heart, that we are witnessing death and destruction on an horrific scale; few will be left untouched. My dad died just over 2 weeks ago, and his passing is still so raw.

In a world of commerce, where health is pitched with a price tag and the latest drug or supplement or therapy that can bio-hack onex27;s way to wellness, the more powerful and effective ways of healing are not just overlooked but disparaged as too …

"There are no specific diseases, only specific disease conditions. All disease at some or other period in its course, is more or less a repairative process, not necessarily accompanied with suffering, an effort of nature to repair a process of poison…

In a bombshell interview, Mike Yeadon blasts the double cross and exposes the agenda. He has said what I have heard privately but the first prominent figure to say it openly, that ivermectin is a poison that causes infertility and that the various su…

Gender wars Humanity's Last Stand

"We funded Womenx27;s Lib...we couldnx27;t tax half the population before and the second reason was now we get the kids to school at an early age we can indoctrinate the kids how to think, it breaks up their family.


"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.

Crowdstrike is the global cybersecurity company whose update brought down many critical IT services worldwide recently.

The assassination attempt on a former US president and presidential candidate was an attempt to create social unrest and crash the stock market but donx27;t think they are done, and as Alex Jones reports "It means the globalists are going to go for…

The whole game of cat and mouse with internet algorithms and censorship is truly next level. Unfortunately I was locked out again of Linkedin, just as I was promoting a collaborative live podcast, "Closer to the Heart".

Harmful prions have been released into our environment and humanity but if we have the tools and understanding on how to break down harmful substances on the atomic level, then we can find healing.

We often think of stress as a mental condition that we can just think away but stress is actually excess energy trapped in the body, that if not released, builds up and leads to chronic illness.

The insidious part of the matrix, is learned helplessness, controlled opposition and fake media but all of these have no power against the creative, dynamic voices of authenticity and truth.

"Australia is no longer a functional democracy" according to Professor Zimmermann. When men of his calibre condemn the government and discuss overreach, censorship, suppression of human rights and totalitarianism, then the rest of Australia should be…

"Australia is no longer a functional democracy" according to Professor Zimmermann. When men of his calibre condemn the government and discuss overreach, censorship, suppression of human rights and totalitarianism, then the rest of Australia should be…

Imagine finishing off an oral communications course in tears. Well, that was me this week. This week I learnt that communication is not rattling off words that sound great with perfect pitch, tonality and volume but an expression of one’s soul to ano…

Control the food supply. Control the people. In Australia, starting January 2025, mandatory electronic identification of all lambs and kids born if they leave their place of birth

Two years ago, I wrote an article about how they were preparing us for a mass death event and at the time, I was sure that by now, most people would have figured out that it was both the jab and the lab made pathogen, that were the primary drivers of…

Recently, I had a private conversation with an Australian Senator and his staffer, the latter was very dismissive of how far brain technology has gone, that I didnx27;t have any proof that although MKUltra, a CIA program using drugs for mind contro…

So much is happening thick and fast, I am going to list the most significant recent events but this list is certainly not complete and then I will go into the back stories.

A couple of weeks ago, I interviewed systems neuroscientist Dr Kevin McCairn who has also been incredibly censored. "I ran very squarely into what we now know is a weaponized and highly controlled information ecosystem.

You have heard of turbo cancer, how about turbo prion disease? The bio-weapon that just keeps on giving!! COVID19 vaccines contain a prion region, and as pathogenic prions accumulate, people may start to develop prion diseases such as Creutzfeldt-Jak…

Last week, I interviewed Professor Francis Boyle and we discussed the greatest threat to humanity that has already killed 27 million people worldwide. Bio-warfare is modern day genocide and jabs are the method of deployment.

When I completed my degree in Statistics in 1996 with High Distinctions, it came as a painful blow that I had just spent 4 years of my life, studying a subject that was completely flawed because every analysis is affected by the bias of the researche…

Esdras Souto Jr, from New Settlers Consultants joins me in a podcast to discuss escaping government tyranny and the value in obtaining dual citizenship/residency as an "insurance policy" and/or migrating to Brazil.

The New Zealand government is in damage control when Barry Young, a senior Oracle database administrator created anonymized files from covid vaccination payment data that showed an extraordinary rate of death after covid19 vaccination and certain med…

This wonx27;t be a popular article. It certainly wasnx27;t the news that I wanted to hear that my heart function had gone down from 35% to 19%.

The greatest crime against humanity has been vaccination and the release of bioweapons through infection or transfection; otherwise known as shedding.